Meet Mike! LPY Graduate, Guitar Player, Cat Lover & Part Time Yoga Teacher

Do you currently teach? And where? And what kind of yoga?

Yes, currently teaching at LPY in Woburn on Wednesdays at 6pm, a warm vinyasa-based class. Also Centre Yoga, although that is on pause for the rest of the summer.

Why did you train at LPY?

I had heard great things about the teacher program, and had been taking classes there as a student for a few years. I knew that I wanted to deepen my understanding of yoga, and also explore ways to combine a couple loves (teaching, and practicing yoga).

What was one of your favorite parts about the training?

The people, of course!! The leadership team is so amazing, understanding, warm, knowledgeable, and empowering. They lead us into deep discussion and exploration of ourselves and the practice, and then also allow peaceful and gracious space to wrestle with what we learn and discover.

What surprised you about your training experience?

How much I continued to feel connected to my classmates. Even years later, when you run into someone you took teacher training with, it is a unique type of connection, reunion, and love that you feel. Definitely special.

What keeps you inspired?

Lots of things! Music. Nature. Family. Making connections to more and more people, who are inherently interesting and fascinating, even when challenging or frustrating. Continuing to learn about bodies, movement, and health. Playing music at different venues. Creating music, whether for my YouTube, Spotify, or just for fun. I'm really fortunate to feel curious about almost everything. And because I'm pretty easily amazed.

What does your yoga look like outside of the movements of physical yoga?

That has been so important for me: making it part of every day life in so many ways. My habit of morning movements that are yoga-inspired, and kickstart my day. Breathing through difficult situations, and to ground or center myself throughout the day. Tapping into awareness and intentionality to appreciate more moments. It's amazing how often I literally stop and smell the coffee these days.

What is a simple moment in your life that brings you great joy?

Grabbing a guitar when I walk by one, just to strum for a few seconds. Or stopping to identify a tree.

What is the last show/book that you binged and loved?

I am currently re-reading "The Overstory" by Richard Powers for the second time in 15 months. So amazing. For shows, we are binging "I'm Sorry" on Netflix and cracking up.

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