Meet Courtney! LPY Graduate, Yoga, Barre & HIIT Teacher in Newport, RI

Do you currently teach? And where? And what kind of yoga?

Yes! We recently moved to Newport, RI and I am teaching private yoga classes. My students range in what they are looking for. I teach gentle yoga as we as power yoga. I try to create a class to meet each students needs so they feel strong as well as grounded when they leave class.

Why did you train at LPY?

I was a student at LPY prior to my training. I love power yoga and the creativity each teacher brought to their classes. When I was thinking about teacher training I knew LPY was the right fit for me. The LPY teacher training team has so much knowledge in many different areas that I knew I would leave feeling like I could teach a strong safe class.

What was one of your favorite parts about the training?

I really like that there is an emphasis on the students practice teaching. The more practice the more confident I felt to teach a public class once I completed teacher training!

What keeps you inspired?

Feedback from students. I love to hear how yoga has made them feel better physically, perform better at a sport or how is has given them a sense of peace.

What does your yoga look like outside of the movements of physical yoga?

I am trying to slow down and enjoy the little things. Walking my dog and stopping to smell the flowers. Gratitude for the positives in your day is something we have brought to our dinner conversations with our kids!

What is a simple moment in your life that brings you great joy?

teaching yoga on the beach

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