The Gratitude Adjustment at LPY

Launching January 28th 2024!

Stop spinning your wheels, take care of yourself, stay consistent and contribute to your family and your community with support and aligned action. 

making your life happier, healthier & more productive.


How It Works…

12 Weeks of coursework designed to be done together or on your time!

Start to understand how your body & mind work and learn techniques for identifying your patterns & breaking through stuck areas.

Learn mindfulness tools that help you calm, create, balance and bring overall wellbeing to your life.

Habits & personal tracker that will transform you physically and mentally!

Weekly 30 min group call with Lorraine

Emails filled with encouragement, support and resources


Sneak Peak Of CourseWork

This group will work with strategies that have been researched and shown to give you room to thrive which leads to lasting success. This challenge includes coaching and will be full of real tools that can be used to rewire your brain


Habits & Patterns

We will get to the bottom of your current mindset and happiness levels which will help illuminate areas for further work. We teach about the principles of gratitude so you can use this tool to get living in the moment. These tools help you become kinder to yourself and others enabling you to get exactly what you need, when you need it.

What you get:

webinars on the science behind gratitude and habit formation with a place to ask questions and discuss.

Meditations recorded by Lorraine or Jillian, right to your inbox that will help you cultivate gratitude in a way that doesn’t feel forced or not genuine.

Printable tracker so you can start to shine light on your sleep/exercise/meditation habits.

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Meditation & Movement

We will give you the tools you need to establish a meditation and movement practice and the science behind why those things are SO important. We tap into your natural rhythms and let you know how to do the same!

What you get:

Specialty Movement classes (think barre, yoga, HIIT, restorative yoga, yin yoga)

Webinar on breath work and how to use it to get quick and real results.

Meditations recorded by Lorraine or Jillian, to help you navigate some of the hurdles of establishing a meditation practice

Specialty Workshop! Access to a breath & flow upbeat, metabolism boosting class & a ball rolling - self massage class where you can learn techniques for true relaxation.


Community & Connection

We are social beings and that is the bottom line. We need each other and connection to ourselves. Life these days often takes more fuel than you have in the tank. If you feel overwhelmed, stressed or even helpless it means that you are paying attention and that you are human. All of these feelings and emotions are showing us how much we need to be honest, real and come together.

What you get this month:

Your specialized tracker which will help you establish healthy habits around reaching out.

Meditations recorded by Lorraine or Jillian, to help you continue to cultivate self awareness and compassion that reaches you and others.

Specialty Classes on how to cultivate joy


Launch Dates 2024

January 28th

May 12th

September 15th


So How Exactly Does It Work!?

We want to remind you how to make it through those moments so that you don't feel like you are just holding on for dear life. We help you align with the things that are going right so that we can all keep going, TOGETHER! 

Step 1 - The Start

If It’s your first time joining The GA you will start by joining us for one of our 12 Week course launches! During This time you get:

Step 2 - The Continued

Once you have joined the community, coursework & completed the 12 weeks our members have the option to enroll into the GA month to month. They get all the perks included in Step 1 of the GA (listed below) and they enjoy access to one live workshop per month with their favorite teachers.

Get All That Is Included In This Program:

  • A full library of meditations to help with sleep, focus, relaxation & more.

  • Movement Classes to get you going (yoga, barre, HIIT, restorative…)

  • Specialized app to download to your phone to gain access to course work and meditations easily!

  • Video Webinars on the science behind on Gratitude, A Quick Fix: Breath Work, Meditation and Mindfulness and more that you can watch live or on your own time.

  • A community of people who are ready to lean in and change the way they see, learn and do things!

  • 2 Weekly calls with Lorraine to help digest and form the community that will help you thrive through this.

  • All the science and data on what makes this stuff work!

  • 12 full weeks of this program & support!

  • Access to the live workshops listed during your course!

Included Workshops

Workshops listed below are included in your membership if they fall within your 12 week course or if you are a continued member.

Ready To Join Us!?

Kick Off Call Sunday January28th (we will record if you miss it) at 4:45pm

Weekly meditation/connection calls with Lorraine Tuesdays at 1:15pm & Sundays at 4:45

If you enroll before the launch date of the next program we will send you an email of awesome meditations & readings you can do before we start!

Want a sneak peak of the coursework!? Click Here

About Us!

Lorraine & Jillian have used their yoga studio platform to build a thriving community. They and their team have trained hundreds of student to become teachers of yoga. In training yoga teachers, they asks for the trainee to be mindful, aware and present. All of these experiences have helped form the Gratitude Challenge and it keeps growing evolving as their collective community continues to thrive. 

Making sure to be present, creative and happy as parents and business owners takes work and these tools have been their ticket. They are always working, learning, growing and sharing!!  Join them, deliberately live a life you love. 

Learn More About Us & The Adjustment! #TwoYokeGirls

#TwoYokeGirls is our podcast designed to bring you meaningful conversations in short snippets! Let’s face it we all need these tools but who has the time for an hour long podcast! Listen as Lorraine & Jillian break down tools like concepts of positive psychology, yoga theory, neuroscience & more in digestible 10-15 minute sessions.

Here’s even more details on the Gratitude Adjustment

Watch our introduction video!


Testimonials & Results

Frequently Asked Questions:

Want access to our 40 minute webinar on “the Science behind gratitude”? Send us your email & we will send it right along!